

  1. Programme


The British Islam Conference is not a typical conference. It was specifically created to be a safe place to debate and collaborate, to respectfully listen to what some may think are controversial ideas and challenge ourselves.


There is no set theme, except for the concept of “a marketplace of ideas” where each speaker sets up their stall to share their ideas which are discussed and debated with the audience. We always try to ensure the conference is as inclusive and as open a platform as possible.


The parallel sessions offer plenty to absorb and enjoy and are designed to be short, punchy presentations that can stimulate debate and discussion. Presenters speak for their own ideas and do not represent the views of New Horizons in British Islam.


Attendees are free to pick and choose which sessions to go to, dip in and out of sessions, or not attend sessions at all!


Download the British Islam Conference 2020 booklet here: BIC 2020 Booklet_Final

Downloadfull schedule

Day 01 full schedule

February 22, 2020 10.30am


Auditorium A

Rabiha Hannan

Auditorium A

Professor Ebrahim Moosa

Keynote talk, 'Challenges to Contemporary Muslim Thought: Power, Reform and Faith'


Auditorium A

Professor Ebrahim Moosa

A discussion with Professor Ebrahim Moosa

Auditorium B

Hossein Dabbagh

Post-Revolutionary Iranian styles of Islamic Reformism

Moazzam Malik

Travels in Indonesia: freedom, Islam, and takfir

Conference Room

James Holt

The boundaries of Islam: reflection on the personal and the classroom experience

Shazia Gleadall

Encouraging diversity in Islam through a critical thinking approach: my experience

Andrew Moffat

No Outsiders: educating for community cohesion in 2020


Michael Privot

Challenges of communicating a historical-critical history of Muhammad in Muslim milieus

Chris Hewer

Fazlur Rahman: from the Living Sunnah to formulated Hadith


Auditorium A

Aasiya Daya, Erica Lee-Smith & Imran Mulla

Faith, youth activism and the climate crisis

Dr Lutfi Radwan

Climate change, Environmentalism and Islam

Auditorium B

Amjid Ali

Organ transplantation within the framework of Sharia

Mahdiya Abdulhussain

Organ donation: presumed consent and bodily ownership

Conference Room

Dan DeHanas, Peter Mandaville & Muneera Williams

Workshop: Race and securitization in the Muslim Atlantic (I) – the Muslim Atlantic in the era of Trump/Johnson


Auditorium A

Idris Alli

Young, dumb, broke and dating? Muslims on how to get married

Wajeeha Amin

No more bad halal dates: is it time to call out bad behaviour?

Auditorium B

Rukhsana Hussain

Celebrating shared journeys: mental health

Saima Majid

Living with an open heart and mind to combat mental health issues

Conference Room

Abdul Haqq Baker & Rasul Miller

Workshop: Race and securitization in the Muslim Atlantic (II) – race and securitization in history, from Malcolm X to present

Drinks reception

Karim Hajjaji: Introduction to ‘Towns and Corals’ art exhibition in Atrium

Day 02 full schedule

February 23, 2020 10.30am


Auditorium A

Stephen Hoffman

The Zionist elephant in the room

Elizabeth Arif-Fear & Laura Marks

Why allyship is easier said than done: forging effective interfaith solutions

Auditorium B

Aliyah Saleem

Apostasy: what we know and what next?

Jeremy Rodell

Should there be any limits to freedom of thought and expression?

Conference Room

Aina J Khan & Aisha Phoenix

Workshop: Race and securitization in the Muslim Atlantic (III) – Muslims & security in transatlantic perspective: policy, discourse and practice


Auditorium A

Hadiya Massieh

Building resilient communities to challenge hate and extremism

Lisa-Raine Hunt

Grass roots and government – can we work together to counter different forms of extremism?

Ihsan Ali-Fauzi

Quitting extremism: lessons from Indonesia

Auditorium B

Seán McLoughlin

Mapping the UK’s Hajj sector: moving towards communication and consensus

Qari Asim

Mosques in modern British life: how can they serve our communities better?

Conference Room

Sughra Ahmed & Abdul-Rehman Malik

Workshop: Race and securitization in the Muslim Atlantic (IV) – practical steps forward


Auditorium A

Ismael Lea South

Pre-International Women’s Month: the unknown legacy of black queens of Islam

Rashad Ali

Women – prophets, rulers, activists – in classical and modern theological & religio-ethical sources

Auditorium B

Peter Mandaville

How should we make sense of U.S. foreign policy under Trump?

Dilwar Hussain

Musings on post-Brexit Britain and identity

Conference Room

Riaz Khan

Memoirs of an Asian Casual

Naved Siddiqi

Thank God for Islamophobia?


Auditorium A

Julian Hargreaves

An outsider’s view of issues facing British Muslim communities

Rahima Mahmut

Explaining China’s cultural genocide of Uyghur people: a personal reflection

Auditorium B

Salah al-Ansari

A fresh look at the Islamic penal code in the human rights age

Baptiste Brodard

Islamic reformist thought in Western Europe: Zakat for Non-Muslims as an illustration

Alissa Wahid

The story of Indonesia: democracy and Islam

Conference Room

Hina Khalid

Harmonising the worldly and the spiritual: reflections on the life of a Mughal princess

Jagbir Jhutti-Johal

Reflection on Guru Nanak’s key teaching on gender equality and applicability in the Sikh community


Ticket Types

  • Student - Both Days Student - Both Days

    £ 10 Buy Now
  • General Sale - Both Days General Sale - Both Days

    £ 39 Buy Now
  • General Sale - One Day General Sale - One Day

    £ 25 Buy Now